Once issued, the key cannot be canceled.
Buy only when you need it!!

Product key store



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You can register a new TRIPLE business with the product key.

The product key can be purchased in your wallet.

You first select a registration type and purchase a key.

Settlement is done with AGT in your wallet.


Click Create New key.



Select the registration type you want to purchase.

Select the wallet to pay.

Next, enter the OP password set in the wallet.


The issued key is then communicated to the new registrant.


The new registrant selects the settlement method for registration by key.

* The registration type of the application information must match the key type.


For example, if a new registrant has selected ReachTraner but the key is IronOwner, the key and application details will not match, so it cannot be used.


Main page

A list of issued keys is displayed.

The New mark is a usable key.

Already used is the key used for registration.

These two statuses are updated in real time.

The USER ID will be displayed next to the key that was used approximately 24 hours after the key was used.

The key can only be used once. You need to manage who you gave the key to.


New registrant

New registrants select a payment method on the Terms display page.



"The new registrant selects the settlement method for registration by key.

* The registration type of the application information must match the key type.

For example, if a new registrant has selected ReachTraner but the key is IronOwner, the key and application details will not match, so it cannot be used."


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